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Medellin...Torn, Yet Whole

Today I am torn. I am torn apart inside by both my personality, and my beliefs on travel of which I vocalize frequently. Although, if there is a place on this earth that encompasses the idea of being two things... two ideas, two very different entities, and both being fantastic at the same time. This place is Medellin, Colombia.

Although I have past experience with Colombia and its people, my time and experience with the city of Medellin, is in its infancy. Thirty six hours is not enough to know a city; its people, culture, food, history, traditions... and certainly only one week is not enough to truly know a place. Especially one with the complex history and magical, yet tragic story, as Medellin.

So, why am I torn? How is this city 2 entities? I find two completely different sides to this place, and its people. In many ways Medellin reminds me of my home in Star Valley Wyoming, There are the most beautiful mountains, all sort of outdoor sports and activities, and the people appreciate nature. Yet, there is another side to the culture here. The party, the glitz, the never ending stream of lights, clubs, beautiful people dressed for the night out. High end restaurants catering to tourists and locals alike. Money, fantasy, and the drugs to fuel an infinite nightlife. A magical yet real bombardment on the senses. Medellin pleases your past and present self, while also showing you a potential future self. It is an experience unique to this city alone

An attempt to summarize the effect that this city has on a person is without a doubt, an exercise in futility. You simply must be in this place to know what it is, what it does, how it is. In Medellin I am both in my youth, and my future. A unique and wonderful feeling, that helps me define magical realism. I am torn, yet I have never been more whole.

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